Saturday, 17 December 2011

More veggie thoughts

We were kept awake for much of last night by high winds roaring through the forest, howling down our chimney and throwing around our dustbin.

At one point - possibly between pondering whether the puppy could actually be swept off the porch and listening to The Now Show podcast - I thought of a few more veggie in Spain things. (See previous post here for more.)

• At a Spanish wedding David was served nothing but a plate of lettuce; and the waiters came out to look at him.

• We once ordered huevas at a restaurant instead of huevos. These were small grey sausages of squashed together fish eggs. They weren't nice.

• Champis are delicious little snacks served at some bars in the north of Spain. (We've had them in Zaragoza and Bilbao.) They are mushrooms fried in oil, chilli and cider speared onto a piece of bread with a toothpick.

• Even gazpacho can be fraught with risk for a vegetarian. Eateries with ambition serve it with some tiny pieces of chopped up pig (plus perhaps boiled egg, onion and pepper) - for extra flavour, of course. (David makes a very good gazpacho with chilli croutons.)

1 comment:

  1. I've been served a plate of rice before, but never just lettuce. Luckily cava is veggie-friendly, or there's no way David would have made it through the wedding!
