Thursday, 23 June 2011

Reasons to be cheerful

In an earlier post I said I thought our new house was like paradise. Here are some things to justify that statement:

1) The view. See below. It's difficult to convey via a two-dimensional photograph, but it's just mind-blowing to be able to see so far from our front door. That's the sea in the far background, beyond a few hills. To our right more hills rise up above our house. These are topped by parades of wind turbines. And to our left are forests of pines leading down to the coast.

2) The creatures. This category could quickly become very non-paradise-like, but while I'm still in the honeymoon period it's worth noting that yesterday evening we sat on our front porch overlooking that view and we saw (a) lots of swifts swooping and looping (b) an eagle gliding over the far hills (c) a toad which pottered out from under the bush right in front of our door (the cat spotted it first but we shooed her away just in time to avoid a nasty encounter) and (d) a line of thousands of ants staggering around with heavy loads of bits of leaf.

3) The weather. The locals have been moaning about how cloudy it's been, and it's not great for keeping our solar power topped up, but, in spite of this, it's lovely and warm and we have seen the sun fairly frequently (certainly more so than we would in London). There's no rain forecast so we've just had Joan the water man fill up our cisterna from his giant tanker. And when it's windy (which is fairly often in these parts) our wind turbine whizzes round and round and makes more lovely electricity.

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